The outgoing and amiable Black and Tan Coonhound, which originated in the United States, is a versatile companion that excels in both the show ring and the outdoors. They make an excellent playmate, jogging or walking buddy, and bed warmer at home.

However, because to their strong hunting instincts and specific talents, this breed is rarely considered a household dog. It will be difficult for apartment residents to give enough space for exercise, and new dog owners may struggle with the breed's ferocity. Those who enjoy the hound's independence and sense of humour will find that they make a good friend at home, where they are easygoing, playful, and kind.

Despite the fact that these are purebred canines, some may wind up in shelters or rescues. If you think this is the breed for you, consider adopting one.

This dog bed is recommended by DogTime for your medium-sized Black and Tan Coonhound to have a good night's sleep. You could also get this dog fetch toy to assist your pet burn off some of his pent-up energy!

Black and Tan Coonhound Highlights
Breed Size Large
Nature Playful, Friendly
Energy Level Active
Intelligence High
Barking Level Howler
Coat Length Short
Breed Group Hound
Droll Amount Medium
Good with Familes, Children, Dog
Feed Level Medium, High
Colour Type Black and Tan
Other Facts Easy to groom,high prey drive,loves water,good hiking companion,prone to health issues.

Dog History

Scenthounds are descended from the Talbot Hound, a hunting dog once employed by nobility and monarchs. The English Foxhound is the Black and Tan Coonhound's direct progenitor, but the coonhound breeds are a distinctly American innovation.

The Black and Tan Coonhound, which originated in the 1700s in the southern United States, gets his size, coloration, long ears, and scenting skills from the foxhounds and bloodhounds in his family tree.

He was raised to hunt tree raccoons and possums, but he's also capable of chasing down larger prey. His adaptability made him a perfect companion for colonial settlers who bred him to be a "trail and tree" dog, which meant he could track down and tree his prey until the hunter came.

In 1945, the American Kennel Club recognised the breed. Grand Mere Big Rock Molly was the first Black and Tan Coonhound to be registered with the AKC.

Despite his excellent traits, the Coonhound has never been a popular companion dog, which his admirers are likely thankful for. Among the 155 breeds and variations recognised by the AKC, he is ranked 131st.


22-27 inch


28-39 kg

Life Span

10-13 year

Health and Care

  • The Black and Tan Coonhound, like many breeds, is susceptible to various health issues.
  • The following are some of the problems that Black and Tan Coonhounds can have:
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Cataracts

Only physically sound, mature (at least two years old) dogs are used by responsible breeders, and their breeding stock is tested for hereditary illnesses specific to the breed.

Both parents should have health clearances, which is proof that a dog has been checked and certified for a certain ailment. Expect to receive health certifications from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia (with a fair or higher score) and the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) confirming that eyes are normal in Black and Tan Coonhounds.


The Black and Tan Coonhound, as a pack dog, is one of the few breeds that can adapt to kennel life and even live outside provided the weather isn't too cold, he's with another sociable dog, and he's given warm, dry cover. If he's an only dog, though, he should reside indoors with his human family to avoid being lonely.

If you must keep him outside, do so solely during the day and bring him inside at night. Because hounds are the original "travelling man," they will roam for miles if they catch a smell of something fascinating. He'll require a huge enclosed yard. Your Black and Tan Coonhound is secure at home with a fence.

A Coonhound must be tattooed, microchipped, and constantly worn a collar with identifying tags because of his proclivity to roam.

Coonhounds are large enough to countersurf and will consume everything you leave in their path. Put the rubbish on the top shelf, and don't leave pies, bread, roasts, or other delicacies chilling on the counter since they'll be gone before you know it.

Crate training your Coonhound dog is crucial. Puppies investigate, get into things they shouldn't, and chew on items that are dangerous to them. Repairing and replacing damaged things, not to mention vet fees, may be costly. Crate training protects not just your puppy's safety, but also the safety of your valuables.

Black and Tan Coonhounds have the independent and tenacious temperament of hounds, yet being mostly pleasant and placid. They've been bred to operate independently and don't understand why they should have to follow your instructions. On the positive side, they are usually easy to housetrain.

Although obedience training is strongly suggested, don't expect flawless cooperation. This is a dog who loves twisting obedience orders to his liking. To urge your Black and Tan to perform what you ask, use rewards and positive reinforcement strategies.

Dog Breed Care Tips and Important Instructions

A black and tan is about as low-maintenance as it gets when it comes to grooming. He'll be OK if you brush him twice a week (Wooten suggests using a hound mat or firm bristle brush) and bathe him when he becomes stinky. His short fur loses very little throughout the year, but it's easy to keep under control with frequent brushing.

Their nails, like those of all dog breeds, should be clipped on a regular basis, and they require continuous dental brushing. But it'll be his ears where you'll spend the most time combing him, as coonhound ears are long and floppy, leaving them susceptible to infection. Owners of black and tan coonhounds should clean their ears frequently with a pH-balanced ear cleaner, according to Wooten. Because many black and tans like swimming, their ears should always be cleansed afterward to absorb any excess moisture that might create a yeast infection or other problem.

According to Wooten, these dogs require at least an hour of intense activity every day, while black and tan coonhound pups should be let to play and frolic around as they choose without a high-impact exercise schedule.

"Do not take black and tans running till they are 2 years old," Wooten advises. "Too much hammering on their growth plates might harm their developing bones."

Training for black and tan coonhounds should begin at a young age and continue throughout their lives. Because these puppies can be stubborn and follow their natural instincts to hunt and chase, Wooten suggests rewarding them with positive reinforcement, working with a professional trainer, and enrolling them in puppy kindergarten.

"Their prey drive and urge to roam are the key issues," Wooten explains. "If a black and tan catches up on a scent trail or sees anything he wants to follow, he will bolt."

Because his nose is so keen, it may be difficult to hold your dog's attention during training sessions. Take a deep breath and remember: Patience, patience, and positive reinforcement are the keys to success.


3 to 5 cups of high-quality dog food per day, split into two meals, is the recommended daily quantity.The amount of food your adult dog consumes is determined by his size, age, build, metabolism, and degree of activity. Dogs, like people, are unique individuals that require different amounts of food. It practically goes without saying that a dog that is very active will require more than a dog who is sedentary.

The type of dog food you buy makes a difference as well; the better the dog food, the more it will nourish your dog and the less you'll have to shake into his bowl.

Hounds are voracious eaters. To prevent your Black and Tan Coonhound from becoming overweight, keep an eye on his food intake. Rather than putting food out all the time, measure his food and feed him twice a day to keep your Coonhound in excellent form. Give him the eye and hands-on tests if you're not sure if he's overweight.

Look down at him first. There should be a waist visible. Then, with your thumbs down his spine and fingers stretched downward, place your hands on his back. Without pressing too much, you should be able to feel but not see his ribs. If you can't, he'll need to eat less and exercise more.

Fun Facts

  • The AKC recognised the black and tan coonhound as the first coonhound. The Treeing Walker coonhound, the redbone coonhound, the English coonhound, the bluetick coonhound, and the Plott coonhound are the other six coonhound breeds.
  • Chief is a black and brown coonhound in the 1967 novel The Fox and the Hound, albeit he was reinvented for the Disney feature.

Home Training Tips and General Information

  • You should keep a watch on your dog at all times until he learns. If you can't, you'll have to box him. Create a schedule for the puppy so that he can calm down quickly. Hourly potty breaks, feeding times, break times, walks, play time, exercise, and so on will all be part of the schedule. A busy day means there's no time for a puppy to become bored and misbehave.
  • Teach the dog to respect you. Black and Tan Coonhounds form packs and follow a leader naturally. If you establish your dominance in no clear terms, coaching will be simple since the puppy will always obey your commands and will not dispute your authority.
  • Make use of only positive training methods. Never hit, shout at, or otherwise discipline your Black And Tan Coonhound. It's not only rude, but it'll also cause behavioural issues. Electric shocks, prong collars, sprays, and other similar methods might potentially hurt the animal.
  • Demonstrate to the puppy that "nothing in life is free." This is a theory that is usually cited as an effective teaching strategy. Your dog will learn that in order to receive anything like affection, a stroll, or a treat, he must behave correctly.
  • From the beginning, teach the meaning of the word "no." Jumping, growling, tug-of-war, snarling, or dashing out of open gates and entrances should not be encouraged. Appreciate good behaviour and ignore or walk away from poor behaviour. The puppy will learn that if he misbehaves, he will be separated from his playmate.
  • You must catch the Black And Tan Coonhound in the act of breaking a habit and shock her by shaking a can of pebbles. When you've done that, encourage him to improve his behaviour by rewarding him with a treat and your approbation. Reprimanding a Black And Tan Coonhound after an incident is fruitless since they do not remember what happened earlier.
  • Make a point of calling/using his name in a pleasant manner. Never say "Awful TOM" or "No Tom," since this can confuse the Black And Tan Coonhound and lead him to believe that if you call his name, something bad is about to happen. The doggy must associate his name with pleasant experiences such as hugs, stroking, walks, goodies, and so on. If this occurs, he will cheerfully return whenever you call his name.
  • Establish a short and simple workout regimen of around 10 minutes three times a day. Long, repetitive lessons might bore the Black And Tan Coonhound, and he will lose interest in the learning session. Make training more entertaining by using trick training to demonstrate commands like as sit, down, and come.
  • Learn everything there is to know about cage training, leash walking, housebreaking, and food training. Every Black And Tan Coonhound puppy should learn these kindergarten fundamentals. Learn about the breed's behaviours as well as its characteristics. This will provide you with helpful knowledge on how to properly train your dog.


Is it possible to keep a Black and Tan Coonhound as a house pet?

He's a fantastic family pet that gets along well with kids, however he may be a little too energetic for smaller ones. He can get along with other pets, such as cats, if he is reared with them.

What are the most important requirements for Coonhounds?

These huge hounds demand a lot of workout when it comes to running. Coonhounds are pleased to sprawl and snooze if they get enough activity. They will grow boisterous and bored if they do not get enough activity, which they normally express by baying and destructive chewing.

What are some of the disadvantages of coonhounds?

Coonhounds are generally healthy dogs. However, ear infections might emerge as a result of their large floppy ears. Breed-related health issues are rare (ie. hip displaysia, ectropion, and hemophilia).

Is it common for Black and Tan Coonhounds to bark a lot?

The loud "baying" of hounds is well-known, and Black and Tan Coonhounds are no exception. The sound of "baying" is best characterised as a loud howl that might sound sorrowful, as if they're sobbing or lamenting. They also have a strong, booming bark.

Do coonhounds enjoy cuddling?

Bluetick Coonhounds are hunting dogs called for the pattern on their coats. They like nothing more than chasing down their prey and capturing it for their owners. They're a devoted and intelligent breed that like cuddling. They're extremely loving, and all they want is to be loved by you.

Is a coonhound suitable for a family?

These dogs are recognised for their intelligence and love for humans, and they like spending time with them. When it comes to hunting, these dogs are relentless and always on the lookout. They may make fantastic family dogs since they can become really friendly once they trust you, but owing to their high activity level, they need be supervised.

Black and Tan Coonhound Unique Name

Male Name Female Name
Bentley Angel
Cash Avery
Dexter Delia
Felix Dolly
Gunner Faith
Harvey Ibby
Johnny Jenna
Marley Lizzy
Max Nori
Moe Peaches
Pepper Precious
Rider Roxy
Rockwell Sugar
Willy Brittany
Wagner Claire
T-bone Kellie
Tinky Kelly
Violet Lacey
Winnie Nikita
Wiz Tess

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